Ono Marks Israel’s Day of Remembrance for Fallen Soldiers and Civilians

The Day of Remembrance for the Fallen of Israel’s Security Forces is a day of mourning and national remembrance of the State of Israel in memory of the men and women who fell in Israel’s wars and in memory of the people who were murdered in hostilities.

The Remembrance is marked on the 4th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, the day before Independence Day. A number of mourning customs are followed: lowering the flag to half-mast in state institutions, closing places of entertainment and restaurants on the eve of Memorial Day, the sounding of sirens and the holding of memorial ceremonies.

At Ono, we dedicated a corner of our first floor lobby to the fallen and allowed students, faculty and staff to light memorial candles to their memory.

Graphic about Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Security Forces and Soliders