One Hundred Ethiopian-Israeli Students Visit Ono and Learn About Academic and Career Opportunities

On March 27, 2024, 100 mostly Ethiopian-Israeli students in the Program of Excellence and Documentation of the National INP Project, visited the new Savyon Junction campus of Ono Academic College to learn about opportunities for their academic and professional future. The students heard from Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, the founder and director of Ono’s International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry, Adv. Zeev Kaso, the founder and director of Ono’s program for the advancement of Ethiopian-Israeli students and Mr. Roni Akaleh, the director of the National INP Project.  They received a tour of the campus focusing on Ono’s rich offerings in the fields of the health professions, science and music. Visitors and hosts shared that the trip was a meaningful one, and we hope to see the participants back on campus one day as Ono students.

Rabbi Shalom lectures students of INP project during their visit to Ono