Influencer Nas Daily Comes to Ono

The international influencer Nas Daily recently visited Ono Academic College! In this video Nas meets with Ono students and discusses a unique collaboration between Nas Academy and Ono which is exclusive for Ono’s students of Advertising and Digital Media.  He gave the students tips on how to create their first influencer video.

Nas Academy aims to “equip organizations, educational institutions, NGOs, and government bodies with the skills to shape and share stories that matter.”

Nas engaged with Prof. Tova Hartman, Dean of Ono’s School of the Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Michal Shapira, Director of the School of Marketing and Digital Programming, and Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, the founder and director of Ono’s International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry.

In a discussion with Ono founder and CEO Ranan Hartman, Nas asked, “How can you fix Israel?” Hartman’s answer was, “Education, education, education.”

Ono will be having an open house for the Advertising and Digital Media program on June 6, at 16:00 at its new Savyon Junction Campus.