Ethiopian Ambassador Meets Ono President at Ono Ethiopian Center

Ono Hosts Ethiopian Ambassador at New Campus’ Ethiopian Center

Ono Academic College had the privilege of hosting His Excellency, H.E. Ambassador Tesfaye Yetayeh at the International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry located on the new campus at Savyon Junction. Ono has a long and productive working relationship with the Embassy of Ethiopia in Israel with cooperation on numerous projects including conferences, missions to Ethiopia, collaborative research with the University of Gondar and hosting senior Ethiopian academics in Israel.

Ambassador Yetayeh presented an overview of the political, social, cultural etc. situation in Ethiopia which was very informative for the Ono staff who participated, Prof. Shlomo Noy, Ono’s President, Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, Founder and Director of Ono’s International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry, Adv. Zeev Kaso, the Founder and Director of Ono’s Program for the Advancement and Social Integration of Ethiopian Israelis and Dr. Samuel Schwartz, Director of International Programming. Mechal Takele also participated in the meeting on behalf of the Ethiopian Embassy. Ambassador Yetayeh said he believes that Beta Israel can serve as a bridge between our two countries.

The Ono staff briefed the Ambassador about the history of Ono, the academic and advocacy work of the Center on behalf of Beta Israel and the thousands of Ethiopian Israeli students who have succeeded in their Ono studies as part of our Advancement and Social Integration program.

We discussed concrete ideas for future collaboration and are certain that we will cooperate on important initiatives in the future.