Rabbi Dani Lavi Lecturing Ono Students

Who Really Broke the 10 Commandments?  – Ono Beit Midrash Meeting

Ono Academic College’s Religious Zionist Administration and its Lev Berliner Social Beit Midrash conducted its second meeting led by Beit Midrash Direector, Rabbi Dani Lavi.

The session was entitled, “Who really broke the Tablets of the Ten Commandments? The crises in our lives and the way to fix it.”  Rabbi Lavi discussed the breaking of the tablets which took place on the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz which will take place in about two weeks. This event is noted in the Mishna as one of the reasons that the Jewish people have traditionally fasted on this day.

The group analyzed biblical and midrashic sources related to the breaking of the tablets which occurred when Moses went down Mount Sinai and found the people of Israel worshipping the golden calf. One of the lessons learned was that when the Jewish people felt that the Tablets (which represented the Torah) were a constricting framework, they rebelled against it and they became very heavy, leading Moses to drop and break them.  Going forward, we can all strive to make the framework of Torah one that expands and enhances our experiences rather than one that constricts them.

The Beit Midrash conducts study monthly study sessions open to all members of the Ono community.


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