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Invitation to Entrepreneurship Event

Ono Academic College is launching its Jerusalem Campus Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center.

To mark the event it is hosting Ido Boomer, CEO and founder of the Solwise, solar energy company. He will speak on the topic of “Beat yourself: how to advance and grow in a competitive world.”

Boomer will share with us his personal and professional story, from a rough road to establishing a successful company. He will discuss how he dealt with difficulties and crises during his career and will give practical tools for learning leadership, taking responsibility and teamwork. The lecture will focus on the importance of understanding how to deal with our internal competitors – ourselves.

The event will take place:

Wednesday | 17.07.2024 | 19:00

Ono Academic College Jerusalem Campus

📌 The lecture is intended for anyone who wants to better understand the self-challenges they face and take responsibility for the direction of their personal and professional development. Sudents, employees of the Ono, residents of the area and anyone interested in the worlds of entrepreneurship are all invited.

Link to register >>> https://bit.ly/meetup_17_7