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Ono Trauma Video Therapy Conference

Ono Academic College will host a Video Therapy conference on the topic of, “From a traumatic space to a healing space”, on 2/7/24, between the hours of 15:30-20:30 at our new campus at Savyon Junction in Kiryat Ono.

The conference will focus on how group leaders and therapists use video therapy tools in this complex period following the October 7th attacks.

The Conference will have two sessions, including presentations on:

First session

  • Reducing anxiety and strengthening resilience through creativity using a smartphone
  • The role of dreams of moral guilt in three films
  • Reframing and cinematic narrative work with the story of the “other” in trauma care
  • The healing owl – video therapy workshop with power animals for resilience building


Second Session

  • The digital story project/the effect of emotional therapy/video therapy groups for Jewish and Arab women in Jaffa
  • Research Buds and Case Studies: Presentations by Female Students from the Video Therapy Training First Session: Research Buds Second Session: Case Stories
  • Understanding and treating post-trauma through cinema therapy – Bereaved parents from 7.10 in the Secret Forest in Cyprus
  • Alex’s group – a meeting on docotherapy and post-traumatic growth


Participation is free of charge, but prior registration is required and  the number of seats is limited.


For more information, click here: https://web5.ono.ac.il/video-therapy-conference2024/