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Jerusalem Day Zoom Event Invitation

Ono Academic College is honored to invites students and faculty women to a zoom lecture on the topic:

“Beta Israel and Jerusalem Day” that will be given by Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, Director of the International Center for the study of Ethiopian Jewry at Ono Academic College, and Attorney Zeev Kaso, Director of the Program for the Advancement of Ethiopian-Israeli Students.


The lecture will take place on Wednesday 5 June 2024 at 17:30


During thousands of years of exile, Ethiopian Jews never stopped longing for Jerusalem. They looked forward to the day when they could arrive there. Beta Israel prayers are full of praise for Jerusalem and hope for redemption.

The State of Israel established Jerusalem Day, which falls on the 8th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, as a State Memorial Day in memory of the approximately 4,000 members of the community who perished in Sudan on their way to Jerusalem.

At the meeting we will discuss, among other things:

  • How should the fallen be remembered?
  • Why on this day?
  • Why did the Ethiopian Jews pray to “go down to Jerusalem” and not “go up to Jerusalem”?
  • What is the difference between these two types of prayer?
  • And how is all of this related today, to the unity of the various sectors in Israel and the healing process of Israeli society from the disaster that happened to us on October 7?


Zoom Link for the Event: https://onoac-il.zoom.us/j/87305765795?pwd=NHVGVVRUZXRCQlpEM1NBMGRhWlJjUT09#success