Ono Student Qualifies for World Championships in the CAPSIM Challenge

Every year, 150,000 students from approximately 900 academic institutions around the world participate in a global business competition called the CAPSIM CHALLENGE. The competition is centered around a strategic business simulation created by the CAPSIM corporation.  Only 6 students advance past the qualifying rounds to enter the competition’s world championship.

For the past 5 years, Ono faculty member Yaniv Rosenthal has been teaching a course on business simulation strategy using this program. This year, Ono student, Benny Tobolsky, was one of the world’s best performers in the contest and advanced to the competition’s finals. 

In the final round, Benny will have to compete with 5 other students from the USA, India and Israel (a student from Bar-Ilan University) for 8 hours (each simulating a calendar year) and achieve the best business results.

We’re very proud of you Benny and wish you the best of luck!