Prof. Arieh Gavious
Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration
Prof. Gavious is the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration of Ono Academic College, which includes BA and MBA in Business and BA in Advertising and Marketing Communications.
Prof. Gavious earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Management, and his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from the Technion, Faculty of Mathematics. His research interests are Applications of Games Theory, Marketing, Health Systems Management, Industrial Organization, Game Theory, Auctions and Venture Capital.
His professional experience focused on work as an economic consultant for consulting firms, preparing economic opinions for government offices and commercial firms.
Business Administration, Tel Aviv University (1996).
Applied Mathematics, Technion (1991).
Applied Mathematics, Technion (1988) (cum laude).
Teaching Areas
Game Theory – M.Sc.
Models in Game Theory – M.Sc.
Advance course in Game Theory for Ph.D.
Strategic Thinking – MBA
Calculus – B.A. and MBA
Probability – B.Sc.
Statistics – B.A. and MBA
Production Management B.Sc. and MBA
Industrial Organizations – M.Sc.
Problems in decentralized organizations – M.Sc.
Research interests
Applications of game theory, tenders, marketing, health systems management.